Friday, July 31, 2015

Reading Hindi literature

There are lot of jewels in the Hindi language, be it poetry of Neeraj and Dinkar, or stories of Premchand and Manto. Unfortunately, the younger generation in metros doesn’t show much interest in it! May be this is because they haven't been exposed to it?

I would love to create program to expose school kids to hindi literature. It is for those, who if exposed, would get interested and make it a hobby of a life time. One way to do it is build a scholarship around it, say for grade 9 and 10 kids. They will be given three books to read and then participate in an exam, which will ultimately lead to selection for scholarship. (Remember Sanskrit scholarship in schools?) The idea is to create an initial incentive to read (seeding) and then let people continue with it, if it makes a lasting impact. They leave it if it was boring.

Book selection: one novel from yesteryears, one from now and one collection of poems.

Pros: Get more people to read; Exposure without forcing.
Cons: Another test, another scholarship L But for a lasting purpose.
To think: What will be a good fun test?

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